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The Cain Center for the Arts is proud to present the Ben Sollee Trio.  Over the last two decades, Kentuckian Ben Sollee has distinguished himself as multi-faceted creative, blurring the lines between music, tech, and environmentalism and experiential design. As a cellist, songwriter, and storyteller he has toured the globe, sometimes by bicycle, performing his original music.

DLC and the Cain Center for the Arts will host a special event with Ben including a speech followed by a Q & A session at 6 pm before his performance on October 4th..  There will be light refreshments and a cash bar.  To register for this, please purchase your tickets to the show and then go to https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0845AEAB28A7F8C70-51600497-bensollee to sign-up for the exclusive pre-show event.  Space is limited.  The Cain Center for the Arts will raffle off a $25 gift card to one of the pre-event attendees.

When purchasing tickets to the performance use the code DLC to receive $5 off at https://cainarts.org/event/ben-sollee-trio/cain-center-for-the-arts/north-carolina/.

Learn more at https://bensollee.com/

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