#009 White Oak
DAVIDSON TREASURE TREES #009 White Oak (Quercus alba) This White Oak sits on Davidson's campus and is the largest tree by total points in our program. There is no information on the origins of this tree. Although white oaks are very
DAVIDSON TREASURE TREES #009 White Oak (Quercus alba) This White Oak sits on Davidson's campus and is the largest tree by total points in our program. There is no information on the origins of this tree. Although white oaks are very
DAVIDSON TREASURE TREES #042 White Oak (Quercus alba) This is the largest White Oak in the Davidson Street Tree Inventory, tree #1365. Stella Stroud grew up swinging on the tree Statistics (2022) Circumference (In.): 171" Height (Ft.): 95' Avg. Crown
DAVIDSON TREASURE TREES #090 White Oak (Quercas alba) This tree is on Concord Rd in Davidson Statistics (2021) Circumference (In.): Height (Ft.): Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): Diameter Breast Height (In.): Total Points: More Information Year Recognized: 2021 Current condition: Good