The Davidson Lands Conservancy is the County and Town’s stewardship agent and partner for Fisher Farm Park, a 200-acre natural area located on the east side of Davidson, abutting Abersham Park. Fisher Farm is owned by the Town and protected by a conservation easement held by Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County engages DLC to monitor and steward this wonderful regional park.
As stewardship and monitoring agent, DLC ensures the land is protected and used in ways that are consistent with the permanent conservation easement.
Located at 21215 Shearer Road in Davidson, Fisher Farm Park is one of the few passive parks in the area allowing for low impact recreational use of the park and the preservation of natural habitat.
The West Branch Rocky River flanks the west side of the Park abutting an expansive meadow area. In 2022, DLC led a community-wide effort to assess the planned stream restoration project slated for the West Branch. This collaborative review and exploration resulted in trimming aspects of the project to save trees and reduce the damage done to soils in the corridor, while saving Mecklenburg County tax payers over $1 million. The project will begin construction the summer or fall of 2023 and will last several years. The corridor will be completely torn up and the stream realigned. Once restored, the restoration project is designed to enhance the stream’s water quality and ecosystems long term.
The community engagement exercise for the restoration revealed the community’s strong desire to permanently conserve Abersham Park. The Davidson Town Board made a formal request to Mecklenburg County in late 2022 to work with DLC to conserve the land by a conservation easement to be held by DLC.
Hiking and single-track mountain biking trails wind through the forested areas. For more information on Fisher Farm Park, visit the Town of Davidson Parks and Recreation website.
DLC is leading an effort to enhance the wildlife and habitat at Fisher Farm and Abersham. This effort is a collaboration of the Town, Mecklenburg County, Davidson College, NC Wildlife Resources Commission and community citizens. A management plan is under development to lead efforts to convert some the open fescue fields to native prairies, remove invasive plants, plant native trees, grasses, and pollinator plants, and better manage the forested areas of the Park. Trail repair and erosion control measures are planned. This effort extends beyond Fisher Farm to include the abutting Abersham Park.
DLC is also working diligently on extending the greenway trail along the West Branch south to connect the Park with Narrow Passage and north to Iredell County and Mooresville to serve as the Carolina Thread Trail.