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Every night, the sky tells us a story that is written in the stars.  The stories feature royal princesses, mythical heroes, and legendary beasts — written by ancient Greeks and Romans and illustrated by the constellations in the night sky.  We can see this story every night as the Sun sets and the stars become visible.  Join us as we explore some of the famous stories the sky has to offer, imagine our own constellations, create them with marshmallows, and write our own stories about how they came to be in the sky.

This outing is for children ages 6+ with their families and will be held in one of the science labs at the college, Dana 127, so there is no need to dress for the weather.

Read our waiver HERE. By registering for this outing, you are agreeing to its terms and conditions. Pre-registration is required which you can do HERE. If you are unable to attend, please update your sign-up.

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