Beaty Park Celebration!

Community members are invited to the Beaty Park Celebration and volunteer workday on Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at 832 Beaty Street, Davidson NC (near the corner of Main Street and Beaty Street). The Davidson Lands Conservancy, with grant funding from the Town of Davidson, is coordinating removal of invasive plants at


DLC and Main St Books BOOK CLUB – The Oak Papers


Join us as we chat with author of The Oak Papers, James Canton, on March 21 at 4 pm. Canton's lovely memoir weaves history, biology, and meditations on an ancient oak tree in England together for a beautiful read. 10% off book purchase if you order through Main St Books! This event is free, but

Fisher Farm Milkweed Flagging – Calling All Butterfly Lovers!

Abersham Park 3540 Pleasant Garden Dr, Davidson, NC, United States

Davidson Lands Conservancy Outreach Activity Marking Milkweed in Fisher and Abersham Parks: A Family and Child-friendly outdoor activity! Saturday, May 15: 10:00 -11:00 am Location: Lower parking lot in Abersham Park at the Pavilion Activity Overview: Help mark wild milkweed in Fisher Farm and Abersham Park to protect the endangered Monarch butterfly! Monarchs need milkweed

Abersham Adventurers: A World of Wonder Outing

Abersham Park 3540 Pleasant Garden Dr, Davidson, NC, United States

Join local naturalist Allen Lloyd  in exploring nature along the Abersham greenway including butterflies, birds, and other plant and animal life including a surprise animal encounter. This outing is for families with children. This event requires pre-registration, so sign up here!

For the Birds: A bird-watching evening at Abersham Park

Abersham Park 3540 Pleasant Garden Dr, Davidson, NC, United States

Join Davidson Lands Conservancy and local naturalist, Rob Van Epps, for an exciting evening of bird watching at Abersham Park, June 27 at 5:00 pm. We will gather in the Abersham Lower Parking Lot (next to the pavilion). This outing is recommended for adults and children over 9 years old, as quiet voices and patience

Woods to Wetlands – A Family Nature Adventure!

West Branch Nature Preserve 18232 Shearer Rd, Davidson, NC, United States

Join World of Wonder and expert local naturalist, Rob Van Epps, on Saturday, July 24 at 8:45 am at the West Branch Nature Preserve parking lot (18232 Shearer Rd, Davidson, NC 28036) for a hike through wildlife rich habitats. We will learn about the many exciting inhabitants of this ecosystem, from slimy to feathered, as

Milkweed Flagging at Abersham Park

Abersham Park 3540 Pleasant Garden Dr, Davidson, NC, United States

Join Davidson Lands Conservancy (DLC) volunteers to help mark wild milkweed in Abersham Park to protect the endangered Monarch butterfly! This is a fun event for children and families. Participants will first gather in the Park pavilion to make flags to mark milkweed, and then walk to a patch of milkweed and install the flags.

Runneymede Woods Walk with a Geologist

Runnymede Stables

Join Davidson College Environmental Studies professor, Dr. Brad Johnson, for an informative outing to review the geology and stream ecology of our area. Participants will learn why streams in the Piedmont exhibit similar shape with steep walls and entrenched channels. Why do streams exhibit this morphology and what did they look like before Euroamerican settlers

Stream Clean-Up: Help Keep Our Waterways Healthy!

Plum Creek Park 18928 Bartlett Creek Dr, Davidson, NC, United States

Join us on Saturday, November 13 from 9:45 am to noon, for a stream clean-up of the West Branch, a tributary of the Rocky River. We'll gather at 9:45 am in the Plum Creek Park (18920 Bartlette Creek Drive) parking lot (Bailey Springs neighborhood).  After the clean-up, be sure to stick around for a fun,