Rotary Club of Davidson Christmas Tree Village

Please stop by the Christmas Tree Village while you are enjoying the festivities of Christmas in Davidson to vote for your favorite tree.  DLC's tree was generously sponsored by Frances Dawson of RE/MAX Executive Cornelius  and designed and decorated by Christine Lisiewski.  Our "Bee Tree" last year won 1st place, so come on out to

Tree Planting at Fisher Farm

Fisher Farm Park

TreesDavidson will be out at Fisher Farm on October 24, beginning at 9 a.m. for a community tree planting. To sign up for this event, please click HERE. We do ask that all volunteers sign up ahead of time, due to COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings, as well as having a limited number of supplies. Join


Beaty Park Clean Up Work Day

Beaty Park Beaty Street, Davidson, NC

DLC and Town of Davidson have partnered to host a work day at Beaty Park. Invasive plant cuttings need to be either removed for chipping or "bird nested" to create wildlife habitat. Go HERE to sign up for this event! Face masks are required. We will supply gloves and water. Please wear long sleeves, pants,


Davidson College’s Star Party!

The Davidson College Physics Department invites you to a Virtual Star Party to be held during the week of April 12, 2021 as part of the annual North Carolina Science Festival. Due to the ongoing pandemic, all components of this star party will be held virtually. Come explore the wonders of astronomy and the night

Town Day – Plum Creek Park Tree Mulching and Trash Pick Up

Plum Creek Park 18928 Bartlett Creek Dr, Davidson, NC, United States

Join DLC and Trees Davidson as we celebrate Town Day with a day of service. We will be mulching around trees and doing a general clean up of litter and debris. Bring your mask and work gloves! Pre-registration is required via Sign Up Genius.

Woods to Wetlands – A Family Nature Adventure!

West Branch Nature Preserve 18232 Shearer Rd, Davidson, NC, United States

Join World of Wonder and expert local naturalist, Rob Van Epps, on Saturday, July 24 at 8:45 am at the West Branch Nature Preserve parking lot (18232 Shearer Rd, Davidson, NC 28036) for a hike through wildlife rich habitats. We will learn about the many exciting inhabitants of this ecosystem, from slimy to feathered, as

World of Wonder Family Event – How Does Your Garden Grow?

Join World of Wonder on Saturday, August 28 at 9 am for a tour of our Davidson community garden. What are your favorite vegetables? Do you know how to grow them? Want to learn about how a community garden works? Join WOW at a community garden in the heart of Davidson. Eddie Beach, coordinator of

Runneymede Woods Walk with a Geologist

Runnymede Stables

Join Davidson College Environmental Studies professor, Dr. Brad Johnson, for an informative outing to review the geology and stream ecology of our area. Participants will learn why streams in the Piedmont exhibit similar shape with steep walls and entrenched channels. Why do streams exhibit this morphology and what did they look like before Euroamerican settlers

Big Spring Clean Creek Trash Clean Up with DLC!

Roosevelt Wilson Park 420 Griffith St, Davidson, NC, United States

Join DLC in a county-wide day of stream clean up to help keep our local waterways healthy and safe. Please join us to help improve water quality and wildlife habitat and get to know your neighbhors! Please wear long pants, shoes you don't mind getting dirty and wet, and bring a reusable water bottle. We will

NEW DATE – Earth Day next to the Davidson Town Green

The Town Green 119 South Main Street, Davidson, NC, United States

This year, the Town of Davidson’s Earth Day Festival will include a native plant giveaway from Davidson Lands Conservancy, a composting demonstration, and a series of family-friendly, hands-on, and informative Learning Zones hosted by Davidson College students. These Learning Zones will include posters, displays, and fun activities related to nine different environmental topics: air, biodiversity,