Gifts of stocks or securities are a great way to support Davidson Lands Conservancy (DLC). When you make a charitable donation of stocks or securities directly to DLC the gift is established at the fair market value on the date of transfer and if you have held the stock for one year or more you may be able to avoid applicable capital gains taxes.
Gifts from the IRA are another great way to support DLC. By giving directly from your IRA as a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD), you can reduce your tax burden and know you contribute significantly to local conservation and environmental work. Individuals age 70.5 and older can donate any amount up to $100,000 directly to Davidson Lands Conservancy from their IRAs without the gift being treated as taxable income, and the gift can be used as your Required Minimum Distribution.
When choosing an IRA gift to DLC, a critical detail to keep in mind is that your plan administrator must issue the check directly to Davidson Lands Conservancy, which is payable to the organization.
As always, consult your tax advisor and plan administrator for all gift decisions and procedures.
To facilitate the transfer and proper acknowledgment of your gift of stock or securities please contact DLC Executive Director, Beth Wytiaz at 704-892-1910 or [email protected].
From there your broker can contact Marta below to execute the transfer and process.
Contact: Marta Keiser with Bragg Financial Advisors at 704-714-7716
Brokerage Firm: Pershing Advisor Solutions, LLC
Investment Advisor: Bragg Financial Advisors 1031 South Caldwell Street, Suite 200 Charlotte, NC 28203
Account Name: Davidson Lands Conservancy
Account #: 5QR-401629 DTC#: 0443 (clearing through Pershing, LLC)
DLC’s Federal Tax ID: 56-2218814.