Beaty Park Celebration!

Community members are invited to the Beaty Park Celebration and volunteer workday on Saturday, October 5 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at 832 Beaty Street, Davidson NC (near the corner of Main Street and Beaty Street). The Davidson Lands Conservancy, with grant funding from the Town of Davidson, is coordinating removal of invasive plants at


Communications Committee Help Davidson Lands Conservancy develop and implement a marketing plan that best articulates DLC's mission and brings news to our current or potential supporters. This may include writing press releases, taking photographs, and providing content for social media.  To volunteer, please click here.

Education and Outreach

Education Volunteer Join our World of Wonder, a family-focused environmental education program, to help us design hands-on activities at the Davidson Farmer's Market booth and create nature-based outings for children and their families. Please click here to volunteer. Outreach Committee Volunteer Join us to work on environmental projects such as Bee City, milkweed pastures

Trees Planted – March 2018

With special thanks to our iQmetrix volunteers, TreesDavidson planted five "Cherokee Brave" dogwoods along the west side of the greenway just north of Robert Walker Drive in late March 2018. Watch them grow - and sign up to join us for future tree-planting volunteer opportunities!

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