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We have rescheduled the second phase of our Citizen Science training program. If you have already completed the Zoom training and are ready for the in-stream piece, reach out to Carly at [email protected] to sign-up below.
If you haven’t heard of the Citizen Science program but want to know more, read on:
In partnership with Davidson College, Davidson Lands Conservancy is launching a citizen science program. If you are passionate about the environment and eager to contribute to scientific research and conservation efforts, we invite you to participate in our inaugural study focused on stream research.
We are looking for dedicated citizen scientists interested in collecting environmental data from local streams. Participants will learn scientific data collection methods, develop the ability to accurately record and document observations, and learn how studies like this can affect policy. Participants must be able to climb in and out of streams and walk in stream beds as they collect data and take photographs.

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