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Whether you call them fireflies or lightening bugs, few things signify the beginning of a Southern summer more than the first sighting of one. As part of our June celebration of bugs, Wilderness Calling is hosting Firefly Fest at Fisher Farm in partnership with the Town of Davidson on June 8th. This event will be led by Dr. Clyde Sorenson, a professor of Entomology and Plant Pathology at NC State University.  He will talk about the various types of fireflies we see in this area and the types of habitats where they are found.  We will meet in the parking lot at dusk for the discussion and then as darkness falls, hope to see some of these magical creatures. Please bring something to sit on and if you are bringing a flashlight, please cover it so it only shows red or green light to avoid light pollution.

Registration is required.  Read our waivers HERE. By registering for this outing, you are agreeing to its terms and conditions. Pre-registration is required which you can do HERE. If you are unable to attend, please update your sign-up so another family may participate. Thank you!

7:45 pm Dr. Sorenson’s Firefly Discussion

8:15 Q & A

8:30 Firefly Stroll

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