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Our original date in July got rained out so we have moved to Saturday, August 17th.  Sign-up is open. Don’t miss your spot.

Trees are true treasures to the ecosystem. They shade our land, reducing temperature by 10 degrees; they clean our air and water; they benefit our mental health.  The Town of Davidson Arborist Andrew Sileo will lead us as we engage in Tree ID and a Treasure Hunt around the forest/outdoor classroom to see which team can find the most. Each team will share their knowledge of trees with the whole group.

This outing is for children with their families. The minimum age is 5 years old. We suggest long pants and possibly long sleeves because we will be in the woods and there is poison ivy in the area. No dogs or strollers, please.

Plan to arrive at 9:15 so we can begin at 9:30.

Read our waivers HERE. By registering for this outing, you are agreeing to its terms and conditions. Pre-registration is required which you can do HERE. If you are unable to attend, please update your sign-up so another family may participate. Thank you!

Please meet in the parking lot on the left side of the school by the playground

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