Brown-headed Nuthatch!

One of our tiniest birds, the Brown-headed Nuthatch, begins building its nest early in February.  If you have never seen one you may have heard the “squeaky toy” sound that they make.  This  video shows good images of the bird and the cute sound it makes. These birds have been on the decline

Lunar Eclipse of January 2019!

A Lunar Eclipse occurs when the earth is between the sun and the moon and the earth’s shadow totally blocks the sun’s light from the moon. Sometimes we see a partial eclipse of the moon if the shadow doesn’t perfectly line up with the moon, but a total Lunar Eclipse will be visible on

Turtles galore!

WOW Thanks: Allen Lloyd For WOW’s Market Booth, October 27 How wonderful to have Allen Lloyd and his beautiful turtles back at our WOW booth! Many thanks to Allen and to his daughter Abby who made sure all of our WOW visitors had a chance to enjoy seeing and learning about these beautiful animals.

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