#034 Eastern Hemlock
(Tsuga canadensis)
This is the second biggest Eastern Hemlock in the Davidson Street Tree Inventory, tree #126.
Statistics (2022)
- Circumference (In.): 85″
- Height (Ft.): 70′
- Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 24′
- Diameter Breast Height (In.): 27″
- Total Points: 161
More Information
- Year Recognized: 2021
- Current condition: Good
- Property Type: Private
- Ecological Value: Eastern hemlock is a woody, needled evergreen tree in the Pinaceae (pine) family. It is native to eastern and central Canada and the United States. In North Carolina, it is found primarily in the mountains and one small area of the Piedmont. A beautiful conical evergreen with drooping branches and tiny cones, healthy eastern hemlock makes a lovely specimen tree in a home landscape. Individual trees can reach heights of 40 to 75 feet and widths of 25 to 35 feet, so dwarf cultivars are best for home landscapes.