#065 Deodar Cedar
(Cedrus deodara)

There is a photo of the Patterson House (the same single-family home standing today) from the 1930s and the Deodar is already standing taller than the house tonight. This is in the book, Davidson A History of the Town from 1835-1937. It is important to note that this variety of Deodar Cedar is not a weeping species but one with straight branches.

The Patterson House later became a bed and breakfast called “The Cedars” and was the only bed and breakfast in the Town of Davidson, but is now out of business. The Home was extensively renovated in 1916. According to the current homeowner, Tom Watson, it was renovated for a wealthy businessman’s second wife. Previous to this major renovation, it was a farmhouse on the edge of the Town, marking the beginning of farmland.

As for the tree itself, it was likely planted at the time of the construction of the house, but little else is known.

Statistics (2021)

  • Circumference (In.): 125″
  • Height (Ft.): 71′
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 70′
  • Diameter Breast Height (In.): 40″
  • Total Points: 214

More Information

  • Year Recognized: 2021
  • Current condition: Good
  • Property Type: Private
  • Ecological Value: The Deodar Cedar is a fine-textured evergreen tree that makes a good substitute for white pine.  Its form is broadly pyramidal when young, its pendulous branches become wide and spreading, as its central leader often dies out. Transplanted it easily if it has been root pruned.  Plant it in a well-drained and somewhat dry, sunny location with protection from winds. Considered to be one of the most graceful conifers, it works well in landscape groupings or as a screen. This tree is resistant to damage by deer and is moderately salt tolerant. The oil naturally deters insects.