#085 Tulip Poplar
(Liriodendron tulipifera)

This tree is along the greenway in the River Run neighborhood.

Statistics (2021)

  • Circumference (In.): 156″
  • Height (Ft.): 131′
  • Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.):
  • Diameter Breast Height (In.):
  • Total Points:

More Information

  • Year Recognized: 2021
  • Current condition: Good
  • Property Type: Greenway
  • Ecological Value: This deciduous tree may grow 90 to 120 feet tall and takes its name from its greenish-yellow heartwood and attractive tulip-like flowers. The bark is smooth and dark green on young trees. As the tree ages, wide, white furrows that separate flat ridges develop. To plant, it needs a large area. This plant does best in natural areas. It can have a superb fall color of yellow to golden yellow but leaves abscise prematurely. There are many cultivars available including smaller forms of this plant. Tulip Poplar is found throughout North Carolina and does best in deep, moist soils along streams and lower mountain coves.
