#054 American Elm
(Ulmus americana)
Tree sits directly behind the house and in front of a shed
Statistics (2020)
- Circumference (In.): 159″
- Height (Ft.): 66′
- Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 94′
- Diameter Breast Height (In.): 51″
- Total Points: 249
More Information
- Year Recognized: 2020
- Current condition: Good
- Property Type: Private
- Ecological Value: American elm is a deciduous tree native to North Carolina that can grow to 80 to 100 feet tall with a trunk diameter of 2 to 5 feet. Older trees sometimes develop buttresses that expand their base. In nature. it can be found in swamps, bottomland forests, moist slopes, and areas with especially nutrient-rich soils.