#043 Sweetgum
(Liquidamber Styraciflua)
Tree #465 in the Davidson Street Tree Inventory.
Statistics (2022)
- Circumference (In.): 142″
- Height (Ft.): 81′
- Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 30′
- Diameter Breast Height (In.): 43″
- Total Points: 231
More Information
- Year Recognized: 2021
- Current condition: Good
- Property Type: College owned
- Ecological Value: A large, valuable, forest tree frequently found in wet river bottoms, in swamps that frequently flood, and on drier uplands (except the high mountains) throughout North Carolina. It is often the bane of some homeowner’s existence because of its troublesome fruit. The beautifully glossy, star-shaped leaves turn bright red, purple, yellow, or orange in the fall.