#076 Black Oak
(Quercus velutina)
Statistics (2022)
- Circumference (In.): 160″
- Height (Ft.): 70′
- Avg. Crown Spread (Ft.): 48′
- Diameter Breast Height (In.): 51″
- Total Points: 242
More Information
- Year Recognized: 2021
- Current condition: Good
- Property Type: Private
- Ecological Value: It is found throughout NC on dry plains and ridges in poorer soils and in the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. The open, rounded crown makes it a good shade tree for large areas. It produces a good acorn crop every 3 to 5 years that wildlife love to eat. The acorns are distinguishable by their long stalks. Plant it in an area along a pond, a stream, or other wet sites. It is often grown for its beautiful fall color and drought tolerance. It is an important source of food for many wildlife species.